Development and maintenance


We’ve finally published our new guide for ethical website development and maintenance, Ethical Web Dev! It’s aimed at web developers and maintainers who have a strong understanding of technical concepts, to assist them in bringing the web back to its roots -- a decentralised tool that can enhance fundamental rights, democracy and freedom of expression. The goal of the project, which started more than a year ago, was to provide guidance to developers on how to move away from third-party infected, data-leaking, unethical and unsafe practices.

The Markup: Blacklight

Enter the address of any website, and Blacklight will scan it and reveal the specific user-tracking technologies on the site—and who’s getting your data.


The following web hosting services require or support custom domain names.

GitLab Pages

To publish a website with Pages, you can use any SSG, like Gatsby, Jekyll, Hugo, Middleman, Harp, Hexo, and Brunch, just to name a few. You can also publish any website written directly in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


With NearlyFreeSpeech.NET, you make a small deposit (as little as $0.25) into your account to start up your hosting service, and then set up and pay for only the services that you need.


Options for creating deploys range from connecting a Git repository for continuous deployment to publishing a site folder with drag and drop.


You support our fair treatment: To our suppliers, to our employees, the environment and to you. You also promote the use of green energy because that’s how our servers are running. Sustainability is important to us which is why we like to travel by rail or bike. We are also data-economical and privacy-aware: You only need an email address to use our service.

Platforms and tools

Installing BookStack "will require some knowledge of hosting a PHP web application & database."

Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators.

mdBook is "a command line tool and Rust crate to create books using Markdown (as by the CommonMark specification) files."