Browsing this wiki

  • Because the structure of this website is that of a book, the arrows (and arrow keys) are another way to move between "chapters."

  • Both internal and external links are blue. To distinguish between the two types of links, external links are marked with italics.

  • The default theme (with JavaScript enabled) is "Ayu." You can use the brush in the upper-left corner to select a different theme.

  • The integrated search engine uses the Boolean operator "AND." No other logic is supported.

Your expectations

Where am I?

This site is an expansion to the "resources" page on my main website, serving as a personal wiki and "second brain." I wanted it to be publicly accessible. I will continue using the main website to post current events and a less comprehensive list of recommendations.

It won't replace Joplin's web clipper or saving to wallabag, but I will also post tasks and unfinished reading to this wiki. It's a "brain," after all.

You can also find me on Mastodon. Interested in learning more about it? Start with its wiki page.